When sending funds internationally your bank will charge fees and may use a payment processor to deliver the payment to your nominated account. Payment processors can charge additional fees to process your transaction, which could result in an extra $15 to $25 being deducted from your deposit amount, prior to the funds being delivered to the Ezybonds Custodial bank account. The deduction of these additional fees will result in:

  • You receiving a lesser amount in your Ezyaccount; and 
  • Considerabe delays to the allocating of the funds to your Ezyaccount as a result of the Unique Deposit Amount being altered.

Ezybonds has no control over the fees banks and payment processors charge. When making a deposit into your Ezyaccount you need to check with your bank and accept all additional bank fees and charges and pay them separately. This will ensure that the UNIQUE DEPOSIT AMOUNT is preserved and enable the Ezybonds system to IDENTIFY your deposit and quickly assign it to your Ezyaccount.